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Order Finance Information (Private)

The following request can be made to obtain comprehensive finance-related information for a specific order.


GET - {{url}}/api/merchant/order/waybill-finance-status

"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {{ token }}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-tenant": "{{ tenant }}",
Sample Payload
"waybill_number": "CA000032"

This API endpoint returns essential finance-related details for a specific waybill. The response includes the current finance status of the order, denoted by the "finance_status" field, which indicates whether the invoice status is Pending, Deposited or Approved. Additionally, the response provides the reference number ("invoice_ref_no") and unique invoice number ("invoice_no") associated with the order only if it is invoiced. These details offer comprehensive insight into the financial status of the order, facilitating efficient tracking and management.


Status - 200 - OK

Sample Response Object
"data": {
"finance_status": "Deposited",
"invoice_ref_no": "MI-0004",
"invoice_no": "CFX-23-08-00004"


Invalid Bearer Token
"message": "Unauthenticated."
The requested waybill does not exist in the system
"message": "The requested waybill does not exist in the system"