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Curfox DMS provides a list of freely available REST endpoints which you can use to integrate into our systems.

Getting Started​

Get started by registering yourself with your respected courier service provider.
Alternatively you can sign up through the following link - https://{{tenant}}

What you'll need​

  • Any API testing tool such as Postman or even cURL:
    • These are only for testing purposes and aren't required when directly integrating into an application

App URL​

Merchant API​

Curfox APIs are categorized into two sections namely Merchant APIs and Staff APIs.

  • Merchant API - Endpoints to support actions linked to the Curfox Merchant Portal
  • Staff API - Endpoints to support actions linked to the Curfox Staff Portal

As of version 1.0 of this documentation we will only be exposing the former of the two:

Example cURL request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-tenant: {{ tenant }}' \
--data-raw '{
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "test_merchant_123"

Obtaining A Tenant​

For development purposes use the tenant name as 'developers'.

For production follow the following steps in order to find your respective tenant name.

  • Visit your respective staff or merchant portal
  • Visit the inspect section of your browser page and then the network tab
  • Search for a request named business
  • Under request headers search for the key name X-tenant. The respective value will be your tenant

Postman Collection​

You can find a link to our postman collection here.